People Not Cars
Traditional planning has led to rural areas being disconnected and only accessible by car. By linking villages via a network of cycling and walking routes, villages can collectively grow and become less reliant on cars. Proposed initiatives such as bike buses for children, could foster an early commitment to active travel, whilst providing social connections.

Holistic Growth Strategy
The overall joint strategy is a holistic one that would contribute to the delivery on our pledge to secure a carbon positive future by 2027. We would become an exemplar for others to follow with our place-based vision, as we meet the area’s growing housing and community needs, whilst ensuring positive long term economic, social and environmental outcomes.

Sustainable & Local
We propose to create community and work hubs within villages, adopting place-specific smart technology and super-fast broadband to make local collaboration and development of rural businesses easier. By enhancing access into the surrounding countryside and diversifying local agriculture, a key aim would be to better meet the food production and leisure needs of our communities, fostering a truly shared local economy.

Commitment to Climate & Biodiversity
By reducing traffic and continual investment in renewable energy sources, we would be helping to create climate-resilient local communities. By adopting carbon-negative agriculture practices and a natural capital approach to landscape management, we would be able to increase local food production, improve water management and encourage greater biodiversity and nature recovery.

Village Transport Network
The Village Transport Network is an association of parish councillors and other stakeholders committed to the promotion of better connectivity between the villages that surround our estate. It aims to do this without reliance on cars and improve road traffic management to facilitate and encourage more active travel in local communities.