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Our Goals

Our Goals

In 2017, we announced ten goals to deliver over the next ten years

In 2017, we announced ten goals to deliver over the next ten years.

Blenheim began as a legacy from a legendary victory, an estate gifted by Queen Anne to Sir John Churchill for leading a historic defeat of the French armies in 1704.

The magnificent Palace he built, the Park which surrounds it, and the wider Estate are now a World Heritage Site, an attraction for local and global visitors and central to the everyday lives and livelihoods of the neighbouring communities.

Continuing our legacy for the last three centuries brings with it a responsibility to keep our unique value and values for the benefit of people for many centuries to come.

That legacy now has a much bigger dimension – for the sake of those future generations we must protect not just this magnificent place, we must reduce and ultimately remove the impact we have made on the planet.

That’s why our mission is:

"To share and protect this place for future generations, to enhance the lives of local people and to be the lifeblood of the local economy".

It’s a mission that points the way for everything we do, and it’s woven into the ambitions of the three parts of our business; Blenheim Palace, Blenheim Estate Homes, and Blenheim Estate Land.

We all contribute to very clear, and ambitious, goals – a 10 year path of progress which we began in 2017.

On our journey to achieve these goals we will hold ourselves accountable by producing an annual report and quarterly community newsletters. You can find the latest copies of these through the links below.

Economic Impact Report 2022-2023

Read about our recent investments and achievements Read the Report

Local Newsletter

Keep up to date with all the latest news from Blenheim Read Newsletter

 “We will work hard to positively support our local communities in the hope that you will feel proud of Blenheim and cherish where you live.” 

Dominic Hare, CEO

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