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75 Years of Memories

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Discover our 75 Years of Memories...

Since opening our doors in 1950, Blenheim Palace has been a cherished destination for generations. We've invited visitors to share their unique stories and connections with this iconic Palace.

From families like the Jakeman's, who have deep roots in our history - with Syd Jakeman (his father Thomas Arthur Jakeman) working at the Palace and Syd's daughters Imelda and Bonita helping welcome early visitors - to young fans like 5 year old Cleo who vists every Christmas with her family, each story weaves into the rich tapestry of our legacy.

Whether it's memories of first visits, family celebrations, weddings, or generational day trips, we were delighted to hear all your Blenheim Palace stories. Help us commemorate 75 remarkable years of welcoming the world through our doors. 

Some stories below...

Imelda Roberts & Bonita Wilkins

Both sisters have fond memories of the public opening for the Palace in April 1950. The two girls (who's father and grandfather both worked at the Palace), would often sit on the balcony above the Great Hall, watching as the public would enter and the tours commence, with members of the family like Lady Rosemary conducting tours. 

Cleo (age 5)

Cleo and her family have been coming to the Palace ever since she was born. Her school asked her to show 'how you celebrate special occasions' after conversations about how they could present this; Cleo decided to create her very own Christmas at Blenheim Palace.

Alison Love

In 2006, Mr and Mrs Love experienced a remarkable moment when they won a competition to renew their wedding vows at Blenheim Palace during a live GMTV Valentine's Day event. The couple's surname seeming perfectly aligned with the romantic occasion only added to the magic of their special day.

Oluwaseyi Stella Adesanya

"As an immigrant, Blenheim Palace is the first baroque architectural representation I ever visited and toured. I always read books as a child how English Palaces were and Blenheim made all my dreams come true. I also love the diversity, I spent over 3 hours in Blenheim and it was absolutely worth the visit."


Enjoy Blenheim Palace all year round

Entrance is free with a valid Pass or day ticket Buy Tickets

Event Information

  • Location

    The Palace

  • Date

    Celebrating through 2025

  • Dogs

    No dogs allowed

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