Car, coach and bus journeys are calculated using the road distance between your location and Blenheim Palace, multiplied by the direct and indirect travel conversion factors.
By Train
A train journey is calculated using distance between your location and Blenheim Palace, then multiplied by the direct and indirect travel conversion factors. An additional 10 miles of local bus travel is added to account for any travel at either end of the journey and 10 miles removed from the train journey.
Conversion factors are provided by the UK Government Emissions from journeys data (ENV0701). The calculated amount of CO₂e is based on a return journey using both the direct and indirect emmission conversion factors.
By Aeroplane
An aeroplane journey is based on a return journey and calculated using the flight distance between the chosen country and the UK, multiplied by the emmission conversion factor, divided by the number of days staying in the UK. Calculations are based on the average passenger (mixed from economy and business travel).